
What sessions would you like to see at Podcamp Ohio?

Written by brandice on January 31, 2008 – 11:10 am -

As we get a lot of our other planning for Podcamp Ohio out of the way, the biggest (and one of the most important) task for creating a great podcamp is having a great batch of podcasting sessions.

Recently, I stumbled upon a great article by Chris Brogran that lists 100 Podcamp Topics. Why don’t you tell us, from the list below or from your own ideas, what you’d like to see at Podcamp Ohio on June 28th?

1. Building Relationships Using Digital Tools
2. How Your Media Influences Change
3. Setting up a Hosted WordPress blog- plugins, themes, and tweaks.
4. How to Use an Editorial Calendar to Make Your Media Better
5. Compression Techniques for Video
6. Storytelling and Making Meaning for Your Audience
7. Protecting Your Data with Simple Storage and Backup Strategies
8. My Biggest Podcasting Mistake
9. My Gear Setup
10. Wherecasting – Making Travel Media
11. Corporate Uses for Podcasting- Beyond Training
12. Media My Mother Could Make
13. PodCamp Internet Video Screening
14. Mobile Media Making – Kyte.tv, Utterz, and More!
15. Politics and Media
16. Interviewing Tips and Tricks
17. Presenting for PodCamps- How to Make the Audience Love You
18. Working with Advertisers- A Podcaster’s Guide
19. Music and the Podcaster
20. Videoblogging Basics
21. Shopping Tips for Media Makers
22. Directories, Lists, and Search Engines
23. Google Can’t Watch Your Videos- Tagging and Show Notes for Videobloggers
24. Transcription Tips for Podcasters
25. Touring Virtual Worlds- Second Life and Beyond
26. Twitter for Media Makers
27. YouTube and Other Internet Video Sites
28. Facebook Strategies for Podcasters
29. Podcasting and the Law
30. Snack-Sized Media- How to Podcast, Videoblog, and Blog for Micro-Content
31. Brand-building Through Media
32. Lighting and Sound for Video
33. How Blogging Changed My Life
34. Photoblogging- Techniques and Themes
35. Touring Our City- An Interactive Podcasting, Blogging, Photoblogging Tour
36. Nonprofits, Educators, and Making New Media Matter
37. Social Networks Roundup
38. From Idea to Syndication- Dymystifying Audio Podcasting
39. Distribution Strategies for Media Makers
40. Homemade Special Effects- A Quick Tour
41. My Best Podcasting Tricks
42. Secrets of Successful Bloggers
43. Photography for the DIgital Age
44. Photoshop Tricks and Tips
45. Beyond iMovie- Final Cut Pro for Beginners
46. Interviewing and Biography Projects for Seniors
47. Educational Podcasting and the Future of Interactive Classrooms
48. Acting for Videobloggers
49. How Improv Improves Podcasting
50. Mini-Series for Audio and Video
51. Mixing Media- Blogging, Podcasting, and Videoblogging
52. Video Hosting Run-Down
53. Creative Commons- What Does It Mean?
54. Voice Techniques for Podcasters
55. My Best Shows, My Worst Shows
56. Can We Call It Internet Radio and TV?
57. Religion and Media Making
58. Remixing, Mashups, and the Scrapbooking of Media
59. Portable Gear and Making Media on the Run
60. Multilingual Podcasts, and Media for More Than One Country
61. Thinking About The Future
62. Photoblogging Projects for the Community
63. Live Internet Video Sites
64. From Marketing to Conversations
65. Social Networks and Niches
66. Building a Solid Workflow
67. Advice From an Old Radio Veteran
68. What Rock Videos Can Teach You About Editing
69. The Secret of Great Bloggers
70. MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIN
71. Professionalism in Podcasting
72. Vlogging, Videoblogging, Vidcasting- What Do I Call It?
73. How to Build Communities With Your Media
74. Conversational Podcasting
75. Seven Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging
76. Why I Prefer Audio to Video
77. Ideas for Making Money With Podcasting – A Brainstorming Session
78. Presentation Secrets for PodCamp Session Presenters
79. Get the Most Out of PodCamp With Good Networking Tips
80. Meet Someone Totally New- A Power Socializing Session
81. Projects for Your Community Blog
82. Sound Effect Collecting and Cataloging
83. Shows Around Other Shows- Ways Podcasting and Videoblogging Could EXTEND Media
84. Are You Even Reading These Any More? – Email Me and Tell Me Yes
85. Hosting a Live Podcasting Meetup- Advice, Ideas, and Cautions
86. Recording Live Music
87. Political Photography- Making Meaning With Images
88. Lessons From Social Networking Mistakes I’ve Made
89. Um Um Um Um- Speech Lessons for Podcasters
90. Can’t Buy Me Love- Sponsors and Your Audience
91. Forgetting Something? – Show Notes and Great Google Juice
92. Learning From the Scoble Show- Advice for Tech Demos
93. Ten Blogs Worth Learning From
94. Structuring a Series
95. Go Home Tonight And ____ : Advice for Novice Podcasters
96. Ways to Extend the Consumption of Social Media
97. Videoblogging for Business Uses- Interviews, Training, and Marketing
98. Family Media Making- Advice for Baby’s First Podcast
99. Website Design for Media Makers
100. Scratching a Niche- Building Media for SPECIFIC Demographics

Let us know what you think! We want to plan sessions that provide the type of information and discussion that YOU want out of a great podcamp. :)

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